The first Ferngully was for not only kids, but also for adults as well. My first impression about Ferngully 2 was it's VERY different. It reminded us of how much we should appreciate animals and the forest. It was sooo full of adventure and we're 'discovering' a new world of the rainforest whether it was on land or in water. How it impacts you in multiple ways and it never left us when we were growing up. An example is when the Fairies gained the spirits of the trees and turned them blue. Personally with these elements combined like the first one, it made me cry. The music was memorable and you did have that empathic feel for the forest because of the story that was being told. With the use of a 90s symphony orchestra, it really got to people like myself. It was also very funny at times and very touching. Ferngully 1 was about all the elements of magic, story telling, eerieness and an amazing message & lesson.
But being unbiased as most movie reviews are, I watched it for myself and this was my opinion about it. I read previous reviews before I watched it and they did say that Ferngully 2 was no where near as good as the first one. It's been more than a decade since this movie was made, but for the 90s kids who are considering watching Ferngully 2, to be honest.