In 2007, the Marines attempted to transport the Metal Gear RAY prototype, aboard the USS Discovery, to a testing location more than 500 miles south of the Bermudas, outside of the U.S. The RAY prototype in the holds of the Discovery. The Manhattan Incident See also: Tanker Incident and the Big Shell Incident While the prototype was operable by a single pilot, RAY's final form was intended to be unmanned. It was a standalone Marines project that was able to operate independently, without requiring any Naval assistance. RAY was commissioned by the Pentagon and the Marines, and Commandant General Scott Dolph helped spearhead the project. Its creation was also believed to have been motivated as a result of intense rivalry between the Marines and the United States Army, especially after the latter's part in developing REX. This made RAY the first Metal Gear not to be specifically designed to launch nuclear missiles. Metal Gear RAY was originally developed as a countermeasure to the abundance of Metal Gear REX derivatives being built around the world, caused by the leaking of REX's exercise data on the black market, following the Shadow Moses Incident in 2005.