'Kitty - A Powerful GPU Based Terminal Emulator'.
Ever since I started doing more work in the terminal, it became painfully clear to me that the standard terminal.app on Mac and even iTerm2 (although an amazing product!) were not cutting it anymore for me in terms of speed SSL, SSH, secure terminal emulation and small footprint. 'Best Terminal Emulators for Linux – Linux Hint'. Ericom Terminal Emulator software for Mac OS X supports TN3270, TN5250 among 35 types of emulators. It’s billed as a modern, hackable, featureful, OpenGL based terminal emulator Within the world of OS X, there are two dominant players: iTerm, and Hyper. It offers GPU-acceleration combined with a wide feature set. Terminals Are Sexy Table of Contents Shells Base Shells ZSH Bash Git Fish Terminal Emulation Applications Package Managers Universal macOS Linux. The f i rst step on this journey, and an important one, is choosing a terminal emulation application. ^ 'kitty - hardware-accelerated terminal emulator'.